修振宇 简介
1. M-fuzzifying interval spaces, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 14(1),
(2017),145-162. SCI (2018年ESI高引), 第一作者
2.Base axioms and subbase axioms in M-fuzzifying convex structures, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 15(2)(2018), 75-87. SCI(2019年ESI高被引), 第一作者
3.Some characterizations of (L,M)-fuzzy convex spaces, Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 37(4)(2019), 5719-5730. SCI, 第一作者
4. Fuzzy convergence structures in the framework of L-convex spaces, Iranian Journal of Fuzzy Systems, 17(4)(2020), 139-150. SCI (2021年ESI高被引), 第一作者
5.Convergence structures in L-concave spaces, Journal of Nonlinear and Convex
Analysis, 21(12)( 2020), 2693-2703. SCI, 独著
6. Lattice-valued interval operators and its induced lattice-valued convex structures, IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems, 26(3)(2018) 1525-1534. SCI(2019年ESI高引), 第二作者
7. (L,M)-fuzzy convex structures, Journal of Nonlinear Sciences and Applications, 10(7) (2017), 3655-3669. SCI(2020年ESI高引), 第二作者
8. New construction methods of uninorms on bounded lattices via uninorms,
Fuzzy Sets and Systems, 2023, DOI: 10.1016/j.fss.2023.108535, 第一作者
9. New structures for uninorms on bounded lattices,Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems, 2023, DOI:10.3233/JIFS-224537, 第一作者
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